The 3 Legged Dragon

Astrology is not Therapy

In the following text you will learn about the healing system by me, Mannah, whereas the expression “Therapeutic Astrology” (hereafter TA) can be used in various ways by different astrologers.*

The 3 Legged Dragon

Because the term TA covers a wide range of approaches, I will delineate my system here. System in the sense that there is a starting place, but that place, step or “leg” as I’ve decided to call it, will not necessarily be the same for everyone. For example, if you have different physical ailments or feel fatigue and your sleep is poor, then the right leg to start with might be Spiritual Exercises. Not in stead of the others, but as a starting point to recover and reduce the immediate stress, that may be blocking the other sessions from effective results. But it may also be that you feel so much overwhelm, that moving your body is too much at the moment. Then we start with the talk therapy exploring what the lack of energy might be about. This is my heart - the combination of 3 powerful, sacred and elevating practices that I find is an optimal support for a better life.

Let us look at them each separately.

Leg 1: Evolutionary Astrology

In essence: Your soul path is revealed in the reading of your horoscope

This type of astrology looks at the roots at why a person is in this life. Evolutionary Astrology is a way to realize more of what is a veiled reality for us humans. We can realize it only gradually through the evolution of our consciousness, which is something we can work actively towards through the guidance of the stars. In a chart reading I will trace the client’s current circumstances to past life experiences, as the birth chart thematically shows the souls journey that extends through numerous life-times.

Early life experiences work as mirrors of past lives, from which our memories are stored unconsciously and from which, we need to resolve from, to become who we really are. We are fated to many circumstances and genetics, yes, but the more conscious we become, the more intentional can we improve our energy, health, career, relationships and overall decisions so they align with our goals. The evolution of consciousness has for purpose to live better and realize our wholeness. Sounds good, so why involve therapy?

Leg 2: Therapy for Complex Trauma

In essence: Talk-therapy to reconfigure the unresolved trauma implied in the reading

Astrology is the big picture. Leg 2 is where we dive into the detail of life areas, wherein the client wishes to see transformation. A central idea this therapy for complex trauma is based on, is that children internalize the environment they grow up in. If the environment is supportive and safe, then the inner organization of the self is secure. If the environment is not appropriately meeting the child’s needs, then it can lead to internal disorganization. Of course raising a child is complex, so needs at one level can be met, but other developmental needs may not be, which can lead to this inner state of not being safe in the world. Symptoms of disturbances in self- organization can be problems with regulating emotions, having a negative self-concept, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships (these 3 are added to the symptoms of PTSD when we talk about C-PTSD). The method I offer is a present moment, none-pathologizing, relational form of therapy.

The relational part is important for self-healing to occur. Often client’s don’t remember certain traumatic events, that would have caused the feelings they are facing now, but in complex trauma the wounding happens over time for example if the child was chronically mis-attuned to. That’s why one may not remember what happened. It can also be due to intergenerational transmission. Regardless the child will identify with being the problem. The therapy is really about relating to these patterns in a new way. If one does not change the relationship to self, then it identifying with being the problem becomes a rigid identity, it keeps us on the surface, not able to tolerate even a lot of affects, positive or negative.

Who we are, is largely determined by relationships and you can’t know what experience you need, before you have it. The client-therapist relation is the deepest element of change in the emotional process that therapy is. It is a process of moving into new emotional terrain.

Therapy is the ingredient in TA, that will support our existence to shift, because in treatment the contracted emotions, that keep us stuck, can finally find ease, breath, ground and reconnection.

Leg 3: Energy Work

In essence: Move your state energetically by breathing, moving and enter into flow state (as a compliment to leg 1 & 2)

There is a functional unity between the physiological and psychological, which means there is a physical aspect of the emotions we experience internally. This could imply that we need somatic practice to clear stress and tension on a bodily level- Yes, I think so, and I take it even further. From an integrative perspective the body, mind, and spirit are a continuum. These Exercises use the body as a way to calm the mind, sense into to your internal energy and awaken spiritual connection. That’s a lot. Let’s rest into that. Not just repeat these grand phenomena as cliche, just the sentense “relax the mind” is to revelatory. I repeat to myself many times a day.

The third leg is qigong and yoga movements, through which we cultivate and store an abundance of life force in the body. We are working with the hidden reality, unseen resources, the mystical bio-electrical energy in and around us. You have hidden treasures inside, that we activate and tune into and I find it such an important piece to the healing work I offer. It helps us to go beyond the material plane and the self-defeating feelings, that can sneak in as we are affected by other peoples energy. I am sure you have read about all the healing effects of meditation; this form is easier to access for most, because we move and dive into a variety of ways to connect body -mind- spirit. Make meditation your own.


Explore internal potentials

All of my work is about self-examination and transformation. Getting to know yourself, through divine information, relational healing, awareness to sensations and help to see patterns. Meditative movements are an important doorway to expand our experience of our internal state. Through movement and meditation you help the work in the 2 other legs most effectively along.


Clarification of the term “Therapeutic Astrology”

*Many astrologers name that they work therapeutically with astrology or that their approach is psychological, but often its not therapy-sessions they offer. Therapy, as a care of the soul can be more of an attitude, a way of humanizing astrology and declare that the emphasis is not too much on predictive work, as in traditional astrology, which can seem more mechanical and even distancing from emotional matters.

I think astrologers who name that they work therapeutically, without entering the role of a therapist, want clients to know that they care, listen and are well-informed by psychological matters. I support this development and I hope new astrologers will implement a humane and trauma-informed counseling to their astrology readings.

In my triad of TA I offer therapy-sessions designed to help heal developmental trauma.

I offer psychotherapy with no mention of astrology. I hope this distinction comes across on this page, because astrology and therapy are certainly not the same thing, even if an astrologer is influenced by a psychological understanding. As an astrologer I have the big picture blueprint (the clients birth chart and the collective influences) in the back of my mind, when in therapy session, but I am tuned in to a very heartful and still energy, that is not possible in the same way, when you read a chart for a client. It’s simply two different qualities, and it’s combination is something I intentionally have created in the most respectful manner to each tradition and wisdom teachings. I then add energy work to embody the insights more deeply. It’s all integrative and yet can be practised separately.

This 3-legged dragon or healing modality is my passion and I truly hope, that you will find vitality and meaningfulness through my offerings. Ultimately your healing has nothing to do with me though - and everything to do with you. You are the dragon.